Week 9 Reading and Writing

 Week 9 Reading and Writing

What has been the most memorable Reading post for myself?

This is a hard question for me as I have found that each week when I read and write about articles about game design, they add up and I grow my knowledge about these elements. The one that does stick in my head the most though would have to be Game Elements which I did in week 4. 

Why is that week so important to me?

Good question...Week 4 was a big week in regards to knowing we had to create our own game but I hadn't a clue what to expect. I do like games, and I play them a lot but I have never stopped to think how these games are made and why do I like them so much to play them a lot. I remember discussing about what goes into games in regards to their elements.

I have put my knowledge of what I learned since week 4 into my own game! Even without actually realizing in a way... I never knew that writing about articles or pieces of writing that I have read out myself would actually made a stamp in my head. I didn't think that would make my mind store this information haha! And of course it has been a super positive experience the fact I can look back on each weeks readings and pick ups a few pieces of information if I am not sure on a certain subject.

When I was discussing about how a prototype is so important in the Game Elements blog post, I stuck to my word and mocked up simpler versions of my game to see if the basics worked and then that is when I start adding pretty designs...

Am I happy with my Game Project?

Yes. I am really loving my game project right now. I am still so amazed that I have designed the guts of my game now. I never thought I would see the day. I didn't feel the most confident at the beginning as I was clueless in the game design world but I have come far I must say myself.

My biggest accomplishment in this module would have to be staying positive and making sure I am enjoying myself. I think that is important, because if I didn't take an interest, I wouldn't put in the effort. Where I stand now in regards to my game project I can't wait to continue because I am having fun. We all know why fun is important in this module especially😆.

Week 4 Game Project img. Source: Shutterstock

I chose this image as my favourite because not only does it have an element of my game in it but it can be looked at like its important to have balance in your life. If I leave work to the last minute I am being weighed down and that is certainly not healthy for the mind. There is so many different views to this images and I am sure many other people can name a few others and scenarios where they could feel like this.

Looking Forward

I think one thing I could do for the rest of the weeks in regards to my reading and writing tasks, maybe to start even start writing  sticky notes with key codes on the side or add more images to help myself and viewers of my blog to understand the articles a bit easier! 


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