Review Week Comments and Fedback

 Comments and Feedback

Blog graphic, (Source)

Feedback in

Overall, the comments I have been receiving under my blog posts have been very positive. The comments under my Introduction were all so lovely and welcoming and it was so cool to see how many people have similar hobbies as I do and I now know more a bout a few people! I love to read the comments under my game progress or even under my unity tutorials. I would love to get asked more questions about my game as I only realised now you can reply to comments...oops. Seeing other peoples interpretations of my game is really good as it can open my eyes to what a player would be seeing. Most useful part of people commenting on my blog is when I get asked questions as it could potentially lead me to adding onto my ideas, as the more heads the better. It opens up the conversation!

Feedback out

Overall, the comments I have been writing under other peoples blogs have been constructed carefully after reviewing their post, all positive of course! At the beginning, I was a bit nervous to leave feedback on blog comments as I didn't want to come across in a negative way, but after we learned different ways to give feedback without causing a negative surrounding, it has been going very well. I love to talk about the aspects I really enjoyed, and then going into further details on certain points and throwing in a question or two! And even then throw them an idea of my own that could work well if they liked it.

Blog Comments

If I could go back I would probably change my entire Introduction. I wasn't really sure on how to go about my introduction but I think I could've spoken more about myself. I would have included my likes/dislikes, random facts about me maybe, favourite tv shows and other things. It was the first week doing my blog, so I will let myself off on it...

I think I have definitely learned a lot more about people after reading their introductions posts and also people commenting underneath my own and seeing what things we share in common. I find the more people that comment regularly on my posts the more I find I have such a better understanding and the feedback actually gets better as they're seeing my progress each week.

Every week I think I am improving my blogs, some weeks can be better than other though! But I learned that I can really be honest writing my blogs and not to be afraid to voice my opinions on the topics etc.

Looking Forward

I would like to try give more feedback and keep up to date with people regularly and track their progress on their game projects as we can all help it each out in some way. If anyone wants to ask me questions or give me advice I would love that please! I am open to new eyes :))


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