

For this week, I wanted to add a few more bits to my game, the first thing I did this week, was I wanted to have a moving cube that went up and down as part of my course but I found the tutorials I came across very very long and I didn't want to spend that much time to only add one moving step into my game...

I may find a few 'roll a ball' games on the app store to get inspiration for other obstacles and stuff to add instead.

The next thing I did in my game was that I added background music. I am debating whether or not to add the music I selected to a menu screen instead of play mode as it could cause some people  to get distracted. I may replace or swap it out with a very quiet nature sound, like of the wind or something...

I have since got rid of this layout above. But will keep to the theme of having a water feature etc.


I think I'm meeting my weekly topics when it comes to my game and hope to start finishing the entire thing up soon!


  1. Hey Linda, Your game "Rumble Roll" looks very cool, great to see all the screenshots. Would love to try this game out when it is completed. I am still considering whether I should ass music and sound effects to my game too. If you do can you please send me a link to where you got your audioπŸ™πŸ».
    Keep up the great work. We're all feeling tired but we're closer to the end of the semester then we are to the beginning.

  2. Hello Linda
    Your game looks absolutely awesome. Your game weirdly enough reminds me of one of the challenges in Fall Out. I also admire how you added in the music for your game. Have you looked at any tutorials for the code, or did you use the code from the unity tutorials we leaned over the past few weeks as inspiration? I completely empathize with you about avoiding longer tutorials. I have been doing the same for my games as well. I cannot wait to see the end of your game. It looks brilliant.


  3. Hey Linda,

    Your game looks fantastic at this stage, I'm really impressed! (Also this is my first time seeing your blog the aesthetic is *chefs kiss*). Really good job getting this far, Unity certainly isn't easy to get along with so you're doing better than most. Keep it up, I can't wait to see the final game!

  4. Hey Linda, Your game look amazing can't wait to see how it turns out. I think you are doing a great job in achieving the weekly tasks regarding the game. I struggled at first but then decided to not care much of the aesthetics of the game but instead make it work as I want first then worry about the looks and the design of it. I agree with you to add a subtle music background to the game since not everyone has the same taste so I think that's a great thing that you considered to change. Good luck in designing what's rest in your game!

  5. Hey Linda
    your game looks like its coming together really well. The whole layout that you have and the aesthetic I really like also. With the music I think that's a good idea to switch them around and once you add the music you could lower the volume of it also. Cant wait to see the end result.


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