Unity Tutorial 03

 Unity Tutorial 03

Unity graphic, source: Shutterstock

The tutorial I followed was a stampede game. You have to feed the animals coming towards you with food. I chose a sand ground, I selected my farmer wife as the players character and then picked out three animals which were a chicken, horse and cow. The food I selected was an apple! We had to make sure when we shot out the apples towards the animals that the food was 'destroyed' when gone out of site. Same thing with the animals.

After finishing all three sessions of tutorials I am coming away with a lot more knowledge and confidence about designing games! I must admit it is tedious but well worth it when you watch what you have created back. I had a few stumbles within the tutorials but I tried to fix them without needing to look up solutions and I did it! Going back on previous work, I tried to remember how things are places etc.

I learned new things about using "Prefabs" and "arrays" and it was super fun. I learned how to 'destroy' objects when you want to remove them from the game after use. We touched on the basics of the simple players controls again too.

I am certainly looking forward to the next tutorial. Bring it on!...


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