Feedback Thoughts

 Feedback Thoughts.

feedback wooden blocks graphic, source: Shutterstock.

The first article I read was "Rewire your self critical brain", by Joel Almeida. Almeida speaks about his own personal experience in regards to how he took on criticism in his adult life, how science about the brain may be as true and can develop over time. What I found very interesting about this piece was that we were all told by at least one person in our lives that once we hit our 20's our brains stop developing and we are at the same brain development stage going further into our life. This is incorrect. The brain has so many different areas and how can we possible think it decides to simply 'give up' when we reach our twenties? 
We can still learn at any age, what is right and what is wrong and most importantly to this subject, how we take things. One person can take a piece of criticism as a gift and be proud of that, where as another can get pushed back and not improve their work based of criticism. The difference? One perceives it in a helping-hand, a guidance tool to improve and explore different options.

Almeida speaks on a technique he used which is called REBs (Reality-based self criticism). It essentially helps the "positive" side of your brain to gain the power over the "negative" side. Reminding your self what your worth and that you are doing this for your own self benefit. 

My 'REB' that I have used for a few years now without even realizing would be the saying "Remember why you started". I love using this in any task I face where it seems like I have hit the dead end and want to give up all my hope. I think to myself "Linda, remember why you started this in the first place".

In conclusion, Joel Almeida's article has reminded me don't forget to congratulate yourself and how self-respect is as important as getting respect off others!

The second article I read was how "A fixed mindset could be holding you back", by Anna Kelsey-Sugg and Ann Arnold, This article caught my attention just by the title as we have touched on "Fixed mindsets" in earlier assignments. 

We as humans always have to remember how important it is to open your mind, you allowing you to improve yourself and your abilities in so many different aspects of life. An example of this topic would be imagine a tree. Now this tree is beautiful and standing tall, but it hasn't gotten sunlight, it hasn't been fed. The tree will slower welter away and never 'grow'. If that tree was open to sunlight and got their rainfall, it would be growing every single second of each day without even realising until you look back from where it started out. We as humans can relate to this example. If we don't let ourselves grow and develop, we will never change and have that "fixed" mindset for our lives. 

The two articles I choose can be linked in ways. From the first article we learn that we can still develop our brain and how we take on new things and how we can change if we believe in our selves. We can certainly change still from a "fixed" mindset to a "growth" mindset if we show ourselves that love and respect, because there is no age limit to tell us we can't!


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