Introduction to Linda's Life!

 Introduction to...ME!

  • what were your biggest accomplishments last semester? - My biggest accomplishment from last year was that how I got through my first year of college from just sitting in my bedroom. Looking forward to being on campus for the years to follow.😁💜

  • Did I travel over the break? - Yes. I went to Croatia to a music festival called "Dimensions" it was amazing. Listening to music in a crowd was something I really missed.

Dimensions Festival

Photo taken at Dimensions festival 2015, by Free Rubens.
Source: Limonadier.
  • Favourite music? - I wouldn't have one particular person/genre of music I like the most, I enjoy listening to techno and rap. Peggy Gou, MGK, Jaden are just three of my long list of artists I like... 

Photo of Jaden Smith, source: Shutterstock.

  • Hobbies? - My hobbies would include hanging out with my friends, going out. I love messing around in Adobe Illustrator in my spare time to create funky graphics! 💥


  1. YOOO linda mgk has some bangers! but the only song i know from Jaden is ICON you gotta play cod with us again sometime see you around!

  2. Hey Linda, loved getting to know more about you ! I love Jadens music too and his sister Willows music is so so good. I've heard of Dimensions before I bet it was an unreal experience, here's hoping more festivals and gigs in the near future !

  3. Hey Linda, in regards to the whole online campus thing and making it through, Honestly I was the same. Was very hard to stay motivated at points buts hey we did it, its pretty cool that were all on campus now and get to see what the course has to really offer.

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  5. Hey Linda! Nice post and your accomplishment last is actually something that I feel great about too because lets be honest last year was rough for all of us but we pushed through and here we are in year 2. That music festival you went to in Croatia must of been awesome especially after a lot of this covid stuff it must have felt surreal im kinda jealous haha very nice introduction overall

  6. Hey Linda!
    I really enjoy the layout of your blog and this post its very cute!! I 'm loving the purple vibes, I'm so jealous you got to go to Croatia and a music festival too thats always been on my bucket list I hope you had an amazing time :) , I also love your music taste Peggy Gou is a queen<333

  7. Hey Linda! I must say fair play on getting through the first year of college at home online! That is honestly a difficult task and you did it, this pandemic affected us all in some way. I travel to Croatia every year when I go on holiday, it is beside Bosnia which is where I am from and I go to Dubrovnik which is a beautiful city.

  8. I also like how optimistic you are about what's going to unfold this semester. I must say that is quite a good characteristic to have especially when times get tough, you need to always have your eyes on the prize. I am kinda the same on a favourite music genre I am not too picky with it, I also really love techno and rap. MGK is quite a good rapper but my favourite one right now is Kendrick Lamar but all time is Tupac Shakur.

  9. Hey Linda
    This is a really well put together introduction post. I like how it's short and simple. At least one of us managed to get through first year by sitting in their room I gave up in semester 2 boy did that come bite me in the arse over the summer I'm still amazed I got into 2nd year. I'm glad you got to go away last summer the furthest I went was Belfast. I really liked MGKs Tickets To My Downfall album. My favourite song is Bloody Valentine. I'm glad one of us got the hang of Adobe Illustrator. Best of luck with this course.

  10. Hello Linda,
    Hello Linda this may be late since its November at the introduction is in September well I was reading through your introduction and it seemed really fun because it's unique and it looked really professionally like a social media type of thing and I could see you love travelling over the break you went to Croatia and you had a music festival I have never been true one and I can see you out of the picture of it's interesting your favourite music our techno and rap I kind of also enjoyed pop hyper pop rock pop Very interesting so far and I like the seed that you chose of the colour very interesting I don't really listen to Machine Gun Kelly and I do know Jaden makes a song I thought he just a film actor because I did see one of his movies which his dad acting, After Earth. And I thought it was a good movie but my parents don't like it

  11. Hi Linda, great introductory blog post.

    Congratulations on getting through first year online. I suffered during the second semester but I think I’ll get on better now.

    Great to hear that you went to a music festival in Croatia, hope you had a fantastic time!

    Great to hear that you enjoy using Adobe Illustrator, that will be great for Nicola’s work

    -Robbie Cahill


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