Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset. I have always been told since a young age that "if you put your mind to it, you can do it" . Still to this day I go by that. It isn't saying you will complete whatever you are trying to achieve or overcome instantly, it is saying you CAN do it if you believe in yourself to expand your mind and climb the ladder even if you have to take a break or need to go down a step once in a while. I would say I have the growth mindset when it comes to academic work as I am always learning and can only improve as I go on. When it comes to personal goals or ideas for my future, that is where the "fixed mindset" can creep up. For example, travelling the world would be a dream of mine in the future but I get the haunted taught of "your entire life is here, in Ireland". When in reality my life can be anywhere and I can only grow from the experience and even if I ever wanted to come back to Ireland, I have gained the knowledge of exploring and growing...